About the foundation

Established in 2020

The Colorado Upland Foundation was established by a group of dedicated upland enthusiasts who had noticed a decline in upland bird numbers and habitat. The group was tired of driving across state lines to chase upland birds, and a common goal was acknowledged to improve habitat and access, thus CUF was born.  A board was assembled of like-minded conservationists, activists and hunters to improve upland hunting in Colorado.

Our goal is to develop and improve bird habitat, increase wild bird populations, assist other organizations in Colorado with game bird management, and increase hunting access programs as well as promote and educate the next generation of hunters in Colorado.

We rely heavily on fundraising, volunteers and landowners to bring our ideas to fruition.  Without these ongoing relationships, we would not be able to exist. 


To conserve and enhance natural resources in Colorado to help species of upland game and other wildlife thrive ensuring a legacy for future generations. 


To save wildlife and wild places in Colorado for the next generation through science, conservation, fundraising and volunteering.

Who we are